



歩行者天國での集會は禁止されてゐるはずだがそのことはさておき、氣になったのは「WAR IS OVER」のプラカード。John LennonとYoko Ono の名曲 "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" *1からの引用だと思ふが、今回の法案に對するメッセージとしては少し違和感を覺へる。*2

"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"
(Happy Xmas Kyoko
Happy Xmas Julian)

So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas (war is over)
For weak and for strong (if you want it)
For rich and the poor ones (war is over)
The world is so wrong (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
For black and for white (if you want it)
For yellow and red ones (war is over)
Let's stop all the fight (now)

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas (war is over)
And what have we done (if you want it)
Another year over (war is over)
A new one just begun (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
We hope you have fun (if you want it)
The near and the dear one (war is over)
The old and the young (now)

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

War is over, if you want it
War is over now

Happy Xmas

前節の「WAR IS OVER」だけ抽出して仕舞ふと違った種類のメッセージに解釈されて仕舞ふ可能性が高まるが、續く「If You Want It」のフレーズが有ってこそ、より意味深ひものとなってゐる。
銀座のプラカードにも「WAR IS OVER」の下に文字ポイントは落としてあるがちゃんと「IF YOU WANT IT」と書かれてあり、其の点はわかってるのかな、とも思ふのだが果たして。。。


此の揮毫を見れば明らかなやうに、ホンモノの漢の文化の継承者は日本國であり、所謂中華人民共和國ではない!(香港紙の記事より) 或る意味此の指摘は正しい。*3


*2:同時にGive Peace a Chanceのプラカードも見られるが、こちらも一寸眞意は不明。
